Crime rate statistics in South Africa are quite alarming and in some areas it is increasing rapidly. Criminal acts like rape, murder and sexual assault are common in certain areas in the country, while minimal in other areas. Police stations normally sum up their station chart at the end of the week to see what crime happened where and they compare it to the previous week to see if the rate has increased or decreased. The comparison will then usually be published in the areas local newspaper. The numbers of illegal acts committed may be more or less than the previous week, but this will be summed up by the police stations.
These facts can be quite scary when you look at the crime rate statistics closely enough, especially if the numbers are high in or around the area in which you reside. When the week’s comparison is written up in the newspaper, you might notice that less criminal acts occurred in your area, which will be a relief to you and many others. South Africa used to be a very safe place to live in, but over the years this image has deteriorated as it has in many other countries as well. All illegal acts, including sexual assault, rape and murder are considered as offences and will be put on the chart for comparison at the end of the week. This is normally where the statistics are made up from.
The crime committed in one city may be the complete opposite to that committed in another city, so it basically all depends on the area in which you live. Quiet areas may get hit from time to time, but there are quite a few places in the country where offences form a part of resident’s everyday lives and this is where the crime rate figures are the highest.