Performing criminal record checks isn’t something that just anyone can do; you have to have a valid reason as to why you would like access to search the background of individuals. To give someone clearance you would have to investigate their history to see if they have a criminal record of any kind and if they don’t, then they are good to go. You will normally type in their identity numbers and search the databases to see what you can come up with. This is a good way for employers to check their possible employees to see whether they are employing someone with a criminal record or not.
In some cases, it is free for you to use, but performing criminal record checks is not free for everybody. People must understand that you checking their background is nothing personal, but rather just a way of making sure that they can be trusted. It is also beneficial for a hiring company to make use of databases where they can search and investigate if necessary, the history of a customer they are about to hire their products to. Big companies that have a large database of employees and those who take on new people regularly would also benefit from being able to conduct criminal checks so they have some information and piece of mind before employing someone.
To be able to give someone clearance before employing them or doing business with them will make the future much easier for you, knowing that you can trust them. Police stations have unlimited access to services like this, where as a company will pay monthly or per criminal check they do, it all depends on the nature of your business and exactly why you would need to do these checks. Performing criminal record checks is compulsory for some businesses so if you think you are one of these businesses, you need to get in touch with providers of this service.