Statistics on crime in South Africa can be very scary. From rape to murder, and sexual assault, the numbers and charts show that South Africa is a dangerous place to live. However, not many people really know exactly how these figures differ in comparison to other countries. Sure, we all hear about how South Africa is so terrible and the number of criminal acts that occur on a daily basis are shocking, but what many people lack is a true understanding of the numbers and charts that are thrown our way.
A true understanding about the statistics on crime in South Africa needs to occur before we all pack up our bags and leave for the “greener pastures” of countries such as Australia and New Zealand. It is true that we have ever increasing murder and rape cases, but what the rest of the world does not seem to factor in to their ongoing tirades about how terrible it is to live in this country, is that fact that there are many organisations and individuals who actively work to make South Africa a better place to live, in terms of safety that is. If these organisations and individuals got the support of the rest of the nation, and some foreign support instead of negativity, the number of criminal acts and illegal activities may well decrease.
Organisations such as The Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust and POWA (People Opposing Woman Abuse) actively fight to curb the increase of rape and sexual assault cases, and to bring hope and comfort to those that have been affected both directly and indirectly by such violent criminal acts. The Scorpions are yet another organisation that work to prevent and bring to the forefront any illegal activity that occurs at a more governmental level. If these types of organisations, and the individuals who have dedicated their lives to making this country safer, had the support of the whole country, then the numbers and charts may paint a very different picture of South Africa in both the minds of South Africans and foreigners. So if you want to help South Africa, stop thinking about how safe the rest of the world is (which is a giant misconception if we are honest) and get involved in helping us not have such woeful statistics on crime in South Africa.